A spring time stroll at a public garden here in San Angelo. Lovely day, lovely flowers.. lazy dog!! LOL.
Sometimes the 'facilities' were old-fashioned, but clean!
Typical building block for many of the churches and homes - adobe, made by on location.
A kitchen at one church. The meal we ate there was ample and delicious, with a wonderful selection of dishes.
A church under construction. I hope they got the funds needed to finish it!
a 15th C tile found on the premises of one country church.
A country congregation at Old Queen's village gathers to tell us goodbye.
We had time to visit a few historic places, our interpreter was also worked as a tour guide. This old fort dates back to the 15th C.
Typical appearance of the inside of a church. The sign on the wall says God is something - I can't quite read it here. Usually the word is love, but I think this word is different. Everything is hand painted on the walls by a church member. Yep, that border too.
our interpreter in a typical field of sunnies - this one field supports a local church!
Myself, our hosts Michael and Galena, and my partner Janelle. We are at the Black Sea in this photo. It is gorgeous!
One of those "they talked me into it" but didn't need to work hard at it things, a trip to remember.. one I wish I could make again. Lots of wonderful memories - beautiful country, lovely people. Hard work but it never really seemed so at the time.
Ukraine, 2003 - myself, Michael and Gala, my partner Janelle, at the Black Sea. I have a link to a page with more pictures of this trip under "My links". I think. :)