Saturday, January 23, 2021


 haven't completely forgotten this site. admit I mainly use it to look back for things I have forgotten the dates of and the photos that go with. if you visit, thank you! and please note we do use cookies. somewhere. have never figured out how to make sure of that but google says so.

starting my new year with new breasts. okay usually I just say boobies. diagnosed with breast cancer in November of last year and surgery done on Dec. 31. bilateral mastectomy with implants. feels wierd to be honest. 

has been a rough three weeks, between that and also still having back issues causing leg issues, like pain and weakness. sometimes I get discouraged. not how I saw myself spending my senior years!! but it's often like that so I should always remember the good years I have had, and continue to hope for good ones to come.

now to figure out how to do pics - mainly use phone but perhaps iPad will also do... got to work the brain. ooh got it. check out my covid hairstyle curtesy of the dog clippers, LOL