Thursday, June 22, 2017

Well, what's this?

I am so haphazard with my planting and my weeding that I occasionally get surprises. The leaves on this plant or so shiny I decided not to pull it out and I am glad that I did not. However I do not recall planting such a thing or though I may have thrown seeds out and I have no idea what it is. Which is pretty much common for me when it comes to my plants and my yard.

Anybody know the answer to that?

Monday, June 05, 2017


So I planted some little bitty fennel plants on the side of the house not really knowing what to expect or what I would really do with them but it sounded like fun. They have grown well and now I also have some in the backyard, both the regular fennel and some bronze.

And since I am finally posting here after a long hiatus it occurs to me that I no longer live in West Texas and perhaps I should change the name of the blog. I really hate coming up with names for things do you?